Meet our restaurants

Easy Breezy - Sky Loft Hotel Kyiv by Rixwell International

Easy Breezy restaurant introduces the spirit of a big city and serves international cuisine with local touch. 

Elefant - Rixwell Elefant Hotel

White elephant statue comes first to sight and welcomes guests to enjoy a relaxing meal from our fine a la carte menu, which offers a wide range of European dishes.

Restaurant "Farm" - Rixwell Viru Square Hotel

Modern Estonian cuisine in Tallinn Old Town. A moment away from the hustle and bustle of the city to enjoy the best of modern Estonian cuisine combined with excellent service and relaxing atmosphere.

Rukis - Rixwell Viru Square Hotel

A peaceful spot in the heart of Tallinn's Old Town with the opportunity to taste exquisite coffee, home-made cuisine, pastries and various cakes!

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